Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Mild Hick State: A Ponderance on Evolution

Alright, so I live in Kansas. Yeah, ok, go ahead and laugh it up; I readily admit that in and of itself is hilarious. Having said that, this mild hick state that I reside in isn't particularly known for its support of the teaching of evolution in public schools (otherwise known as the teaching of SCIENCE). Nope - instead of teaching that, we'd rather give our students an extra dose of Sunday school lessons during the week to boost extra moral fiber. A little while back, however, we evolutionists finally got our way. Thank God. (Did'ja catch the pun?) Still, I find the message inside our educational textbooks increasingly interesting:

"This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered."

I can just hear the school board meeting:

"Dear, sweet God in Heaven (who strategically placed dinosaur skeletons to weed out unbelievers!) we're practically admitting that we encourage students to carefully consider the material that other districts expect them to brainlessly absorb. No college is going to accept a student who thinks about things: imagine how much extra work it would be! This is a disaster!"

Whatever your take on the issue, you have to admit that's pretty damned F.U.B.A.R.ED.

(It should be duly noted, however, that the author of this blog entry, a crazy lady named Bridget, does believe in an "intelligent design" of sorts - but that is what she attends church on Sundays for, and bringing such things into a school environment would expose more of a nice human being than she could handle. This would bring about disastrous consequences - it is better that you continue to appreciate her for the sarcastic bitch that you know her as.)

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