Sunday, September 16, 2007

Recipe For Disaster, Er, Democracy

After arriving home last night I made it a point to watch General Patraeus's speech to Congress and President Bush's address to the nation (had to Tivo both). Hmmm. I feel this is an appropriate response.

From the Less With More Global Politics Cookbook:


1 pre-emptive military strike…

1 prolonged occupation…

Mix together with de-stabilizing forces such as sectarian extremist groups…

Let bake ____ years


Don’t ask any questions about the recipe. Once you have begun this recipe, don’t try other recipes. When it looks like the recipe isn’t going to turn out, add another ingredient (surge).

Here is an insider perspective on the situation in Baghdad. I wonder if we can hear the truth in the voice of this 24 year-old dentist (Iraqi) who speaks of the current state of affairs and the effectiveness of the American military/political strategy.


Anonymous said...

Bridge..... Bush had some VERY valid points. People need to just shut up and let him do his job. Our armchair activism won't do anything, no matter how cleverly packaged it is in witty writing.


Bridget said...

Tim, we established a long time ago that political beliefs are not something that you & I have in common. It's very hard for me to refrain from answering your comment with a few points of my own, but I don't feel like arguing with you... one thing that I will say, however, is that I will not "shut up." I have a right to my opinion as granted to me by the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. Furthermore, this is MY blog, where I write about MY thoughts and MY beliefs. I didn't ask you to agree with me, but don't think you have the right to censor someone else's website, because you don't.

- Bridget

Anonymous said...

Interesting fact though is that all you know about what is going on is throug the media... hmmm. Doesn't seem like a very credible source to base your theories on. Bush has access to info you can't fathom. Just pray that he makes the best decisions possible. For all you know, Bin Laden has read your blog, finds you extremely attractive and has sent death squads to infiltrate our borders and take you back to be his beautiful new american cave mistress! BUT because of Bush's intelligence, his men never got to you! You see?! You never know and can't fully blame Bush, otherwise, who knows, you might be picking sand out of crevices you never knew you had instead of graduating this year from highschool! Peace!


Bridget said...

Do you even realize how crazy you're sounding right now? I'm not going to apologize for stating my opinion on my own website because a conservative is having a hysterical hissy fit.

And no, don't assume that I base my judgments off of the media. Did you go to the link from this post to the 24 year-old Iraqi dentist? He points out that his friend, who lives in Texas, loves George W. Bush and never permits him to say anything bad about the president. This young man points out, however, that his Texan friend isn't the one who is in Baghdad having to live through the nightmare of instability and danger.

I don't believe this war was necessary. I think it diverted from the true terrorism target, Osama Bin Laden, who is now in Pakistan, alive and well (I fully support going in there to get him, by the way). Furthermore, I believe Bush led us into a war without a plan for what is happening RIGHT NOW - the mission is far from accomplished.

And I should hope that Bush makes good decisions? Oh yeah, because he's made SO many of them thus far... With the logic you're using, Tim, one could justify any presidential action (no matter how terrible) with the "unfathomable intelligence" argument. I don't buy it.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, well I have an acquaintence that lives in Baghdad and says its still better than it ever was before. Living in fear of Saddam was something you don't even understand. I FULLY support the fact that Bush went to iraq because Saddam is dead and many of the other enemies to our country are as well. And I am sorry to say Bridge but you are an armchair activist and that is what is bothering me here. Not that you have opinions, its that you put them on some obscure blog and don't understand that for the few people you might reach you aren't going to impact them with bush bashing. Speak words of positivity and love, and show them the love of Christ in what you write and that will change the world. And no I am not asking for an apology, I am just trying to get you to look at the world realisticly. If you want to change things so badly then go to lawschool and get into politics.

Bridget said...

Tim, the funny thing is that I wasn't even attempting to act as an activist here; I simply stated my opinion on my personal website. Putting them on my "obscure blog" was kind of the point, don't you get it? If I wanted to act as an activist I'd post something MUCH more eloquent in a MUCH more public forum.

You happened to have a different opinion, which is great - but go put that on YOUR website. I might not understand what it's like to live in fear of Saddam, but guess what? You don't either. I'm guessing it's not that much different from living in fear of insurgents around every corner! The Iraqi people have different opinions on this subject just like the American people do; some are in favor of it, others in opposition.

I have to admit that I laughed when I read you telling me to look at the world realistically. I may have my opinions, but I know that doesn't mean I am the authority on everything. Any time someone disagrees with you, Tim, they are wrong, whether it's about religion, politics, or even much simpler things. You allow that to blind YOU from reality.

It wasn't necessary to get this offended, either.

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that I am not even remotely offended...

"Any time someone disagrees with you, Tim, they are wrong, whether it's about religion, politics, or even much simpler things. You allow that to blind YOU from reality."

These however are words of ignorance that demonstrate both age and lack of experience. No I am not the foremost authority, but did you even read my last message? The Bible says a lot about setting your mind on things above, loving one another, chastening a brother or sister in truth and love... I did that and you criticised me on a personal level. Congratulations, you just MASSIVELY lost a debate, albeit a small and unimportant one.

Have a nice night!

Bridget said...

I lost? I don't know what universe you're living in, but your arguments were weak and you didn't even respond to many of my rebuttals. But this shouldn't be a "win or lose" thing... you should have respected my right to put whatever I want to on my personal blog in the first place, just like I respect yours.

You talk about the Bible and setting your mind on things above. In the last blog post of yours I read, you said this:

"Over the past few years of my life I have been shocked by how corrupt most peoples’ view of religion is, and not only that but also how many people lived from a corrupted faith system. I look at legalists, and I look at emergents, living whole heartedly for an unbalanced gospel, and then I shake my head in disbelief because I am looking at them and not at Christ. And in so doing, I make myself the fool... sitting back in my comfy chair and pondering the weaknesses in another’s beliefs is truly a sign of weakness in mine!"

I think it's time for you to get off of that comfy chair of yours and worry about your own beliefs instead of mine and others. Wouldn't you agree?

Bridget said...

By the way, I'm not mad at you...

Anonymous said...

OMGOSH YOU TOTALLY EDITED MY QUOTE!!! I DIDNT SAY IT LIKE THAT LOL!!! YOU silly little 17 year old haha... Good one.


Bridget said...

I did not! That is a direct copy and paste job right there, Tim. You silly little 21 year-old...

Anonymous said...

Well I must say then that I am a genius. The flow to that quote just makes me get all tingly!

And that quote had to do with religious beliefs.

Bridget said...

Well yes, in that particular post the beliefs you were talking about were religious ones. The concept, however, extends and applies to beliefs of every kind.