Sunday, September 2, 2007

100 Things

I've seen these lists on a lot of other sites and, seeing as how they're becoming quite common, thought it was time for me to make one as well. So here it is - 100 completely random things you may or may not know about me. (I'm still trying to figure out how my attention span of about zero allowed me to get this done!)

1. I believe in fate/divine intervention/whatever you want to call it. All I know is I am where I am because it is exactly where I am supposed to be right now.

2. Because of that faith, I can get through just about anything.

3. I was brought up as a Roman Catholic.

4. I left the church at 15. My mother has never forgiven me.

5. I've made it a point to go to other houses of worship and to study other faiths. I even went through a brief agnostic phase.

6. Speaking of faith, I am more spiritual than secular. Therein lies my problem with the Catholic church. Oh, that and original sin. And purgatory.

7. I know we are not alone. There is no possible way that humans are the most intelligent life form. If so, we have wasted a golden opportunity by being so egoistic.

8. I frequently think about the tenuousness of life, of how random and delicate the balance is. And it frightens me, sometimes to the point of panic. We are surviving because a star is burning at the perfect temperature the perfect distance away from this perfectly chemically balanced blue marble… yet we continue to pump chemicals into our atmosphere and our water and destroy rainforests and obliterate whole species. Who’s to say we aren’t next?

9. If we were next, I don’t think it would bother me very much. Except for that whole dying thing, I would say we deserve what we get.

10. I think too much.

11. I don’t tell people what I’m thinking very often.

12. I get the feeling I’ve done this before quite a lot. Yup, déjà vu. A LOT.

13. I am allergic to idiots.

14. I am a clean freak because I have to be, but there is actually nothing I hate more.

15. If I could afford it, I would have a housekeeper. Like that's ever going to happen!

16. I hate going to the doctor.

17. I hate going to the dentist even more.

18. If I make more than one dentist appointment in a six-month span, someone has held a gun to my head.

19. Because of the above, I’m pretty good at self-diagnosis.

20. I’m happily involved in a wonderful relationship. It’s not perfect (the distance sucks right now) but it’s better than I ever thought I deserved. Yup, I'm in lurve.

21. I am, by nature, a jealous person. This comes from being cheated on and blindsided with it. Trust is tough for me... I'm working on it.

22. I am also, by nature, a loyal person. I have a select bunch of close friends and only one love. Just the way I am.

23. My family tree is full of alcoholics. Don't worry, I'm nothing like them.

24. I don’t lose my temper very often. I tend to simmer. When I do lose it, however, watch out.

25. I am passive-aggressive. I don’t always tell you when something is bothering me but you will know.

26. I don’t like conflict, but will always stand up for myself or others if necessary.

27. I love to sing along with loud music… loudly.

28. I even sing in the shower.

29. I hate Hate HATE being late.

30. I don’t like fast food much… unless you call hole-in-the-wall Chinese fast food.

31. I love daisies. They have a fresh, clean grass smell, unlike other stinkier flowers like lilies (funeral) and lilacs (old ladies). Not yellow ones (though I wouldn’t object to a thousand yellow daisies someday).

32. I love to move. Not just dancing, but looking in someone’s eyes and just moving together, as if there is no one else watching.

33. Hoping to get a tattoo next month. They don't hurt as much as people say they do.

34. I have three sisters.

35. I love to hold hands.

36. I love to be held, too.

37. I don’t like wearing makeup. Oddly, this doesn't stop me from doing so.

38. I love getting manicures and pedicures, but don't regularly. Not good at caring for my nails.

39. I hate glitter… and sequins… and ribbons and lace and other embellishments.

40. I’m not high maintenance.

41. I wish I was taller. It's a disappointment to stop growing at 5'3".

42. I hate my hair. It's thin and loves to fall flat.

43. I have hazel eyes.

44. My eyes are my worst feature… they show every flicker of emotion, every flinch, every wince. Damn them.

45. I don’t like to try clothes on before I buy them. Dressing rooms are evil black holes of destroyed self-esteem.

46. I don’t wear perfume very often. Too many of them smell like "old lady."

47. I do use body wash and body spray from Bath & Body works. It’s one indulgence I enjoy.

48. Coffee… nectar of the gods.

49. I love to read.

50. I hate romance novels. These people wouldn’t know romance if it hit them on the head.

51. I hate stereotypes, bigotry, ignorance and small-mindedness.

52. I also don’t see how people can put so much stock in the color of someone’s skin. It’s just SKIN, people. A bag that keeps your insides in. People of different colors don’t act differently… I do think people of different cultures act differently, but colors? I don’t see it. I don’t think it should be so emphasized with kids, either. You are raising a generation of bigots by living as if its all Us vs. Them.

53. I like Spring. Rebirth, a new chance. Watching buds unfold and eggs hatch gives me hope.

54. I like Fall better. Perfect temperature outside, the leaves are beautiful, and there's just something about Autumn air that smells good.

55. I don’t feel 18.

56. I live with my father; it's just us.

57. Sometimes I feel like I'm the parent. I just don't pay the bills he does.

58. I have an I.Q. of 139. Not the best, but not too shabby either.

59. Everything having to do with computers interest me. My laptop is my baby.

60. I love to travel. London this past summer was amazing.

61. Camping trips are the best with the right people by your side.

62. The only way to shut me up short of duct-taping my mouth is to take me fishing.

63. Once upon a time I was very athletic, as in "best on the team" status. I still miss softball and basketball very much.

64. Debate & Forensics have replaced those two things. Last year, my debate partner and I took 8th at the state championship.

65. I am the proud owner of an Olympus E-510 digital SLR camera. Photography intrigues me.

66. I recently quit smoking. I miss it.

67. More exercise is being forced on me as a result, which I hated to begin with. But I need to.

68. Politically speaking, I am slightly left-of-center. Barack Obama is currently my candidate for President in 2008.

69. Someday I hope to become an English/Debate/Amer. History/Amer. Gov. high school teacher.

70. Getting married and having 2-3 kids is the thing I want most in life.

71. My astrological sign is Libra, and it describes me to a T. This doesn't mean I read those day-to-day horoscope things like a crazy person, though.

72. I am a grammar nazi.

73. I have 2 boxers (Frazier & Sasha) and two cats (Mango & Baby Kitty).

74. If I had to choose, I would be a dog person.

75. In the Star Wars movies, the Jedi way of life always bothered me a bit (this especially pertains to Anakin Skywalker in Episode III). Minus the whole being evil thing, the Sith dudes are pretty cool.

76. Sometimes I have a hard time accepting things (and people) for what they really are.

77. I love to laugh.

78. My favorite show is Grey's Anatomy. I don't get to watch much TV these days, though.

79. My favorite color is green.

80. I would do almost anything to own a Mini-Cooper, Z3 Coupe Bimmer, and/or a Nissan Xterra.

81. I will never, I repeat NEVER, drive a mini-van.

82. I love the city of Chicago.

83. Procrastination is one of my worst habits.

84. My favorite snack as of late has been sunflower seeds. That'll probably change pretty soon.

85. If it were even remotely possible, I'd have a chimp as a pet. But it definitely isn't.

86. I have freckles.

87. I am very white.

88. I tend to be slightly shy when meeting someone for the first time.

89. Though I've doubted it in the past, I am a strong believer in Karma.

90. I act differently around fellow high school students for some reason than I do with other people. It's like I feel the need to "immaturize" myself in order to fit in sometimes. I feel most like myself when I'm in the company of my close friends outside school.

91. This, by no means, is to say that I'm the most mature person out there. In fact, that's laughable. I'm laughing right now just thinking about it.

92. After a highly stressful event I usually have a migraine the next day. They're REALLY bad.

93. I would love to someday renovate a colonial-style home to my liking. One with a big front porch.

94. Three things that I always seem to lose are my keys, glasses, and cell phone.

95. My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the Christmas season.

96. Heritage-wise, I am almost entirely Irish. I love Irish accents, too.

97. The one thing I can draw well is a caricature.

98. I go to the movies more than any person has any business to.

99. Though nowhere near "Feminazi" status, I am a strong believer in equality.

100. I’ve never finished one of these before. *gasp!*

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