Monday, April 23, 2007

VERY brief thought on separation of church & state

The following is my response to something one of my friends wrote.

"I was just reading in my e-mail that I got from Krystle. She sent me a forward message. In it somone said that for the first time ever there has been a new $1 coin printed not saying 'In god we trust' on it. She said it was scary to her. I think that is just sad. The God who created us all is being shunned. They are basically saying god no longer lives or that we can not trust him any more. It is almost like the lord baked us a cake of life that we did not even deserve and we took it and through it bake in his face. There are even more ways that this world had shunned the lord but i will not get into that today. The list is too long."

-- Anonymous Pal

I don't think it's fair to say that God is being "shunned" in America, necessarily. I mean, the God, the Lord, the religion that many of us follow isn't necessarily the one that some of our fellow citizens do. Because we are not a theocracy, we have to allow people with other religious beliefs to coexist with us in our country - if someone else did not "trust" in Him, that does not mean that they are any less of an American. Many people, in fact, gave these same sentiments when evolution was first introduced to classrooms.... and as a result of letting one religion rule even the tiniest aspect of our government students were robbed of the wealth of knowledge from the proper scientific curriculum that should have been in place.

Everyone is going to have to face judgment day when the time comes, but they're going to have to own up to GOD - not me, not you, not even America itself. Why would God give us something as precious as free will for no reason at all??

- B

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