Sunday, April 29, 2007

People Say the Strangest Things...

Receptionist: I have great news!

Nurse: What?

Receptionist: I got accepted into grad school! But I'm scared.

Nurse: Why?

Receptionist: I haven't been in school in a long time.

Nurse: You'll be fine -- it's like falling off a duck's back.


Female flight attendant: In response to the many requests about what in-flight movies will be playing I have decided to make a public announcement: we are playing Gone with the Wind, and you are all free to sit on the wing to watch it. There is one oxygen mask per seat, and two in the bathroom. Why there are two in the bathroom -- your guess is as good as mine. Thank you, and have a pleasant flight.


Little boy: I know three things about aliens. One, they don't have hair. Two, they don't have mouths. Three, they don't have privates.

20-something: Then how do you know if it's a boy or a girl alien?

Little boy: Um, they're not boys or girls. They're "its"... Or she-males.

20-something: Where did you learn "she-males" from?!

Little boy: Third Avenue.


St. Patty's drunk: So, wait... I was told that we aren't allowed to drink in Penn Station today, but all the vendors are selling beer. What's the deal?

Cop: Well, they shouldn't be selling it. If you are caught, you will be ticketed and--

Interrupting cop: --Dude, just put it in a paper cup! Go right there, buy that beer, and ask for that red paper Coke cup. That's all.


EVERYONE ON THE PLANET: I make Jessica Simpson look like a rock scientist.

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