Thursday, April 26, 2007

The glass: HALF FULL or HALF EMPTY??

I WOULD JUST LIKE TO ADDRESS WHAT SEEMS TO BE ONE OF THE DIRE CONTROVERSIES OF OUR GENERATION: whether the glass is "half full" or "half empty." Hey, guess what, guys? It's HALF! Wow... it's amazing some of you need a 17 year-old to tell you that means to be a greater portion of neither. And no, drinking what's inside wouldn't solve anything, because it wouldn't change the status of the glass beforehand. Whelp, I guess there are 4 kinds of people in the world:

1. Optomists (half full) 2. Pessimists (half empty) 3. Those lacking problem-solving skills (drink the liquid) 4. Realists (ME! And hopefully the rest of you pretty soon.)

Later guys.

- B

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was looking for a "glass half" shirt for my wife and happened onto your page. Pretty sweet page. You seem like a very intelligent, very cool, very thoughtful teen. Don't let go of those dreams of yours no matter what. And don't settle for less, no matter what.