Saturday, June 16, 2007

No MySpace For Troops in Iraq

Napoleon once said that an army marches on its stomach, but they didn’t have YouTube back then. The U.S. army is blocking a bunch of sites (11, to be specific) from soldiers, including MySpace and YouTube.

Why, you may ask? Well, apparently all the time soldiers are spending on the internet at those sites slows down network time. Also, the army is trying to protect “information.”

In recent months, the Army and Iraqi insurgents have both been posting videos onto YouTube as mini-propaganda films that show their side winning out. For example, troops have posted videos of victories and Iraqi friendships, while insurgents post explosions.

This new rule will put a stop to this, from our side. Still, why on earth would you ban MySpace? If we can’t have personality quizzes and spam, then what are we fighting for??

P.S. Speaking of someone who "opposed this war from the start," I've just stumbled upon the E-book edition of "The Best Speeches of Barack Obama." I obviously don't have enough room in this post to list my favorites (let alone the entire 514 pages) but here's a direct link in case you're interested. They have a print copy available for $29.99 + $5.00 shipping and handling at And yes, I am just that much of a nerd.

E-book location:

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