Monday, July 2, 2007

The Seven Deadly Sins: One Removed

Whew... it's been a long day. Somehow (miraculously and only by the grace of God) I have managed to avoid most all that I discussed in my last post. Nope, today those handful of little goobers did not drench me with giant "Super Soaker" waterguns; they just held me at gunpoint until I finally agreed to armwrestle all of them. At first I thought to myself, Ya' know, Bridge, you should probably take it easy on them. After all, they're only kids... Seeing the maliciously onry glint that only little boys are truly adept at using, however, soon snapped me back to reality. And it is because of that glorious judgment call that they quietly marched up to Jake's room to play Xbox, realizing their shameful defeat to a girl. It is also the reason why I could successfully put Abbey down for a nap, get all housecleaning done early, and manage to have some computer time. Ah, sweet silence.

So here I am, and I've just read one of my friend's blog posts. She posed this simple question to her readers: if you were a god, which of the seven deadly sins would you remove? After much deliberation over what my choice would be (a whole two minutes worth!) I decided that if I were God (which I might actually be, after all if I were an all-powerful being I might choose to live a normal life as a human being and deny myself the ability to realize it, in essence giving my all-powerfulness an original take on things) the deadly sin I would remove from the list would be lust. My reason for removing lust would simply be because I feel lust recognized can be used for one's positive progression through life. Sure, lust in the negative can have damning ramifications, but lust in a positive, open forum can help add zest to life.

For instance, if my boyfriend were to come home from work and share with me how some big-boobed leggy ho-bag really got his lusty juices flowing, as long as I could keep my ego in check that lust gets directed at me. And since I know that he will truly only ever be in love with me, it sounds like a "win-win" situation; I see nothing wrong with taking motivation from an outside source and applying it to help strengthen my bonds. Lust gets messy only when ego and jealousy are not in check. Let's face it - lust is an ancient sin, devised to help lesser evolved beings protect themselves from their own egos. Now that the human race is reaching a state of higher elevation and thinking we can now embrace lust and use it as a tool. Yay.

But you know, one deadly sin removed would mean that a substitute would have to take its place; such things are necessary to maintain a sense of balance in the world. And since we have established that I am quite possibly a divine being, I hereby name the new seventh deadly sin... BRATTINESS! That's right - and don't think I don't reserve the right to define what that entails!

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